
Smart Glasses and AI - how to get instant information to comply with the Building safety act

Written by Simon H | Jun 4, 2024 2:54:30 PM

In this blog we take you on a journey of a Construction company in the UK and their desire to comply with the Building Safety Act, moving from paper and PDF, CAD to AI where every piece of information is instantly available to the questioner, regardless of:

- Device 

- Time of Day 

- Geography

So to give this desire context lets walk through the "why this is important", first.

Why complying with the Building Safety Act is important?   

We will not go into the entire Building Safety Act, we will give you a helicopter view of the challenge of complying.

Penalty for not complying with the Building Safety Act 

Every Accountable person from Designing the building, to building it, to operating it is liable for an unlimited fine and 2 years in prison.

That kind of penalty focuses the mind and quite rightly after Grenfell Tower and the huge loss of life, that was completely avoidable. 

What challenge does the Building Safety Act 2022 pose for Architects, Building Companies and Landlords?

The challenge is simple a golden thread of digital information must tie the complete design build and operation of a building together.

From the Design Approval Gateway, sign off process to the Building phase showing adherence to the design that satisfies the Building Inspectors from the Health and Safety Executive. Then through to the operational phase of running and maintaining the building.

So every facet of the design, every drawing, every material, every dimension must be reference-able and followed to the letter in the Build phase, with Health and Safety Inspectors holding the builder to account for complying. 

Let's look at that challenge in the next level of detail and see the demands that puts on a architect, builder and landlord or management company:

1. In addition to the meticulous checking and re-checking of CAD architectural drawings to ensure design compliance, architects and project managers must also stay updated on any revisions or modifications that may arise during the construction process. This continuous monitoring and adjustment are essential to address any discrepancies or unforeseen challenges that may affect the overall integrity of the building design. By maintaining a proactive approach to quality control and communication, stakeholders can effectively navigate the complexities of the Building Safety Act and uphold the highest standards of safety and compliance throughout the project lifecycle.

2. During the build phase, the CAD architectural drawings must be digitally recalled and meticulously inspected by a site project manager, who may find themselves collaborating with a diverse team of employees or subcontractors. This crucial step ensures that every aspect of the design is faithfully translated into the physical construction, guaranteeing that the building meets the strict requirements set forth by the Building Safety Act. The project manager's keen attention to detail and ability to communicate effectively with all stakeholders involved is essential in maintaining the integrity of the design throughout the construction process. This level of vigilance and coordination is paramount in upholding the safety and quality standards mandated by the legislation, ultimately contributing to the overall success of the project.

3.Construction companies and architects must ensure that they are in full compliance with the Building Safety Act before any Health and Safety Executive inspector arrives on site. This means that every single detail related to the Building Safety Act needs to be easily accessible, readily available, and thoroughly understood by all parties involved in the construction process. From design specifications to material choices, from structural integrity to fire safety measures, every aspect of the Act must be meticulously followed to the letter.

Not only does this level of meticulous attention to detail ensure legal compliance and safeguard against potential fines or imprisonment, but it also prioritizes the safety and well-being of all individuals who will interact with the building once it is completed. By proactively checking and double-checking that all requirements are being met, construction companies and architects demonstrate their commitment to upholding the highest standards of safety and quality in every aspect of the project.

Ultimately, by maintaining a comprehensive understanding of the Building Safety Act and proactively ensuring compliance, construction companies and architects can not only avoid legal repercussions but also contribute to the overall success and longevity of the building. This dedication to thoroughness and adherence to regulations is not just a legal requirement—it is a moral imperative to prioritize the safety and well-being of all who will reside or work within the constructed space.

4. Practical challenges ow do we check the Building Safety Act and Interrogate it to check we are complying? To give context to that challenge the Building Safety Act contain 87,500 words and runs to 266 pages.

So just how do we instantly recall 87,500 words so that we do not end up with an unlimited fine or a jail term?  

Here we have further context to understand:

1. The Architects use a range of digital tools to design the project, the  Building companies use a whole suit of tools to deliver a building. Any subcontractor will have their own systems as do the landlords.

So we are asking every digital tool the architects have, to talk to every tool the Building company and its subcontractors have, and check compliance of against Building Safety Act that runs to 87,500 words, and has been revised since 2022.


2. The Building Companies have personnel in the field that need instant access to:

- The Digital Design

- The Materials Specified

- The Building Safety Act 2022 and 2024, (875,000 words in the first Act)

- The Building Safety Act 2024

- The Software that they use to run the project - constantly updating it as the build progresses

- These Software Systems are not integrated to each other

- Builders will often be field based

That is 7 challenges that carry a real penalty if non of those systems talk to each other.

How to address the seven Challenges and Comply with the Building Safety Act? 

Enter the world of simple processes and steps and what we call the digital journey, which we will map out for you and then we will update the journey as we follow it. essentially we are going to map out the first stage of a 5 stage digital transformation that the construction industry could follow if they want to comply and use practical advanced technology. 

Step 1 

People in the field need to check they are complying with the Building Safety Act instantly without referring to the written document but asking their safety smart glasses a question like : "Tell me what rules apply to an 11 metre high building?"


 Is that possible now?

The short answer is yes, if you want to find out how, drop us a line for a demo.

What does the solution look like without divulging the secret sauce?

If you want to tackle this issue here is step 1 of how we are tackling it.

Stay out of jail, sleep easy and beat your construction competition to the new contracts, without worrying about The Health and Safety Executive Inspectors. 


Want to come on the journey?

Useful links